T.L. Allen
T.L. Allen
T.L. Allen was born in Midland Texas and has 2 younger twin brothers. When T.L. was 10 years old the family moved to Northern Michigan where he says they “froze to death in the frigid tundra of Michigan for another ten years”. He joined the Army at the age of 20 in 2004 and turned 21 in basic training at Ft. Jackson, NC.
After completing Basic Training and AIT as a tracked vehicle mechanic, he was chosen to attend the first ever STRYKER Maintenance course offered to Army soldiers, followed by an Advanced Electrical course. After training he was stationed in Ft. Lewis, WA where he met and married his first wife. He was then deployed to Iraq in late 2005.
A few months later he was moved to Baumholder, Germany where his first daughter was born. T.L. says that “good food and better beer” were the highlight of living in Germany. In 2007 he was deployed to Iraq for an experimental 15-month deployment. He returned to Germany and was then deployed to Afghanistan in 2009.
After returning home he was moved to Ft. Irwin, CA where he says he “had the pleasure of being stationed in the biggest NTC in the states” where he spent the next three years “dressing up in a man dress and throwing smoke grenades at training troops as they practiced reacting to contact drills”.
Ten years into his Army career, T.L. decided that he wanted to experience the other side of the Army so, he applied for Psychological Operations. After preparing for a year, passing the Special Operations Selection Course, then a brutal year of PSYOP Q-course and Language training, he finally passed and became a part of coveted Psychological Operations.
T.L. then moved to Ft. Bragg, North Carolina where his second daughter was born. He completed a short Airborne refresher course, and was deployed to the GCC, where he was a part of a PSYOP team operating out of Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, UAE, and KSA and said that he loved every minute of it.
During this time T.L. was divorced, met Mary and faced the hardest decision of his life. Stay in the Army for another 5 years and lose someone that he had been looking for his whole life or, take an early retirement and join “my beautiful lady” in a foreign land. He chose the latter and moved to Abu Dhabi to be with her. T.L. and Mary are now married and living in Dubai with their daughter.
Surviving The Revolution is author T.L. Allen’s debut book. The book’s story revolves around the next American Revolution as it threatens to take control and as Texas quickly devolves into ground zero. In the great state of Texas, guns, explosives, alcohol, and the occasional bikini oil wrestling match are all essential for survival. T.L. plans on releasing his next book in the Surviving the Revolution series soon.
Read an excerpt from Just only Slightly
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