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MC Gowan


MC Gowan

Chris Clayson author of Three Planets. T16 Books.

Not On My Watch
is written in a Shakespear style play format consisting of five parts, each with three scenes.

Not On My Watch by author MC Gowan. T16 Books.

MC Gowan

MC grew up in New Jersey, near New York City. His father and most uncles served in WWII and Korea. MC is an Eagle Scout. He graduated in 1977 from the Virginia Military Institute with a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering and commissioned in the US Navy.

MC did almost 6 years active duty including 3 deployments to the Middle East as a qualified Surface Warfare Officer. He joined the Naval Reserve after the Marine barracks was bombed in Lebanon and spent most of his time in Naval Coastal Warfare.

Afterwards he worked as a system test engineer for Boeing, then Lockheed Martin. He was recalled for Operation Desert Storm to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait following the bombing of the USS Cole and then again to the Mediterranean after 9/11. MC received a Legion of Merit during Operation Enduring Freedom while in the Mediterranean.

Later in the Lockheed Martin career MC became a project manager, program manager, and senior program manager. He now works at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD as a project lead on the Army’s legacy GPS.

Not On My Watch by author MC Gowan. T16 Books.MC’s book, Not On My Watch, “perfectly captures the steely resolve of these brave Reservists to defend the sailors and ships in their battlespace during the turbulent days after the USS Cole attack,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. Not On My Watch “is a must read to understand how terrorism started and the evil forces that continue to wreak havoc worldwide.”

“My goal is to humanize the enlisted Sailors and Coast Guardsmen who mobilized and deployed for a singular-focused mission with huge consequences,” said Gowan. “They fought and won the battle against an evil, ever-present but invisible enemy planning to attack U.S. shipping with the big prize being an aircraft carrier. This is their story.”

MC plans to donate 67% of his book profits to the U.S. Navy Relief and other charities. The number “67” comes from the hull number of the USS Cole.

MC retired in 2003 as a Captain. He is married and has 2 children. He likes to hunt, fish, and drink black coffee. MC is a Christian and don’t curse, doesn’t use tobacco, and doesn’t drink, except for vintage port wine on special occasions that started at his US Navy retirement.

DoD Clearance

At Tactical 16 Publishing we work hard to assist our authors with every step in the publishing process, from manuscript development to editing, design and marketing. And sometimes, depended upon the author’s security clearance, that means helping to get the manuscript submitted for review by the DoD for clearance for public release.

Not On My Watch, has received clearance for public release from the DoD.

  • “The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. government.”
  • “The public release clearance of this publication by the Department of Defense does not imply Department of Defense endorsement or factual accuracy of the material.”

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Not On My Watch by author MC Gowan. T16 Books.

Not On My Watch


1 review for Not On My Watch

  1. Steven Brill

    What a great read! As an Air Force (Vietnam) Veteran I learned a lot about the Navy and how it operates – Wow! And of course, the bureaucrats always sticking its claws in believing they know more than the men and women in the front lines. Early on I did have to reference the glossary often until I became familiar with the Naval (and other) acronyms, but well worth the short interruptions in reading. All branches of the military are a part of this story as well as an inside look at how the terrorists operate. This fast, forward moving story helps you appreciate the sacrifices the people in our military make both professionally and personally, at risk of life and limb, to protect our lives and our freedoms at home and overseas.

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